Friday, April 23, 2010

And Because I Don't Write About Him Enough...

... I bring you Benny!
^^ Most awesome dog, filled with extreme awesomeness.

^^ Look at that tuck! This was last spring.... he looks a little bit like a coffee table right now. Tournament season is upon us though, so he's eating a bit less and getting more exercise.

Only for Benny would I drive through THIS, in APRIL, for a tournament:
A couple weekends ago the flyball team went up to Lloydminster for a tournament. Unfortunately, there was a hell of a storm that Friday. We were supposed to be heading up to Lloyd the night before the tournament, but we held off until Saturday morning. HOWEVER... with the bad storm, Ben was trapped out of town. So the roomie and I packed up all the dogs (as it turned out, someone was viewing the house that evening and we needed to get out), and braved the roads. The above picture represents the roads when they were still GOOD! I didn't have too much trouble getting out to Allan, but getting back was hell. I ended up getting stuck... but luckily, it was right by the potash mine during shift change. The most fantastic boy to ever walk the planet pushed and pushed and pushed... until he found his tow rope and pulled us out. All the while he was doing this in only a sweater, in blizzard conditions, in wind so intense it would blow you over if you weren't braced on something. I plan to, um, *stalk* the mine this summer as I intend to marry this boy. Or at the very least, buy him a cake.
But, we lived. Roomie lived. Ben and Epic lived. We all made it to Lloydminster and raced a great tournament (well, Ben did... Epic gets his first *kick at the warm-up can* on the Mother's Day weekend).

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I is Gonna Eat Your Head.

*Hey! Hey! You there!*
*Yeah! You!*
*I is gonna eat your head*

*Um nom nom nom*

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Eppers!

Well, today is the real one... Epic is now a year old! It's so hard to believe that a year has passed already. Sure, some of my days with him have been long and trying (very, very trying), but I love this little boy in a way I never knew was possible.
To celebrate, his grandma and mommy each bought him a toy, and some sardines to put in his supper.
^^Toy. In the tree.

The quarry has been spotted.

May the tugging begin!
^^Tug, tug, tug, tug, tug. Flap. Tug, tug, tug.
Below is a full year of Epic portraits! Make sure you click on it to view it larger. I can't believe how big my little dog has grown. The middle photo is his one year portrait, and it makes him look like such an old soul.
So Happy Birthday my Eppers! May you never cease to surprise me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Prison Break!

So the little rescue made it into general population today. She has previously had limited access to the pack, as she LOVED to chase the little boys. I let her out into the yard with them today and she did very well until Epic got the zoomies... then she thought chasing sounded fun. HOWEVER, I only needed to say her name to call her off!
Epic thought the new playmate was a great thing... actually, a little too great. He was a bit annoying at first and would NOT let her be.

^^Note the eyes.

A couple quick corrections from me, and we've settled in. They are generally just pleased to share the yard with each other, and there have even been some overtures of play! Good girl Dixie!
^^Dixie's idea of a joke.