It's the New Year! Lets pretend I'm posting this on the 1st. I'm obviously too late. Actually, lets pretend I didn't post this on the 1st because I went on a 3 day bender to ring in 2010. I didn't, but it seems like a good reason not to blog.
Lets reflect on 2009:
In 2009... I got Epic! Hooray for me!
Benny got his FM in August.
Benny turned 8 in October(!)
Epic completed Puppy Class.
Epic completed Beginner Obedience.
Epic completed Advanced Beginner Obedience.
Epic completed Beginner Flyball.
Epic got on my nerves.
Epic cuddled a lot.
Epic continued to get on my nerves.
I loved them both tons.
Goals for 2010:
Ben continues to run flyball safely.
Epic completes Beginner Agility.
I complete Beginner Agility.
Epic completes Intermediate flyball.
I'd be thrilled if Epic got his FD, or FDX this year. I don't intend to run him much yet.
Work on Epic's heeling, in hopes of starting Beginner Rally-O in the summer.
Last year we went from this:

To this:

And tomorrow we say goodbye to these:

About frickin' time. Everyone wave goodbye to Epic's man berries, and say hello to a brand new year with our favorite JRT!
(Don't listen Ben! You're my favorite mutt of all time!)