That's not true. I'm in the middle of what I hope is the final(ish) push to get the first draft of my thesis done and in for revisions. It has become quite clear to me that this will never happen and that I should just give up trying.
Epic thinks so as well, although he's too kind to say anything. Instead, he shows his distaste for my distractedness by being a BAD. PUPPY. Seriously, the damage the little Jack tornado does is astounding.
I've also noticed in the last few days (okay, at flyball on Saturday) that Epic's right hind leg is not as strong as his others. Actually, it's VERY weak compared to them. This is the leg that was occasionally limpy during puppyhood so I'm not surprised that we're having this issue. I'm not entirely sure how to strengthen it, so I'm doing it the good ol' fashioned way... lots and lots of tricks. Specifically, I've taught Epic how to walk on his hind legs as this forces him to use it to balance himself. We've also built a High Five. To do this, Ep has to pop out of a sit and slap my hand with his paw. At the very least, this tires him out!
There are a couple of balance/strengthening exercises that I learned in that damned hill running class last year. I'll show you a couple next time I see ya.