Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So Tell Me

How do I get this:

On this:

SIGH. I had Epic to the vet on Monday, after he developed a limp on the weekend. It's the same leg that he had previously found painful, so it was time to get it checked out. As it turns out, there's nothing too serious to worry about (Thank doG)! That's not to say there isn't some concern though. Epic's triceps are very tight, and his quads are bad too... although not to the same degree. He also has a cracked pad (requiring me to actually wrap it sometime in this life. I've been putting it off. You would too). So the vets sent me home with some Metacam for this week and a whole bunch of stretches to help loosen the poor little boy up.


I've very pleased with our vet visit. The quality of care was fantastic, and they didn't just prescribe painkillers and send me home. I told them that anti-inflammatorys were fine, but I didn't want to put him on painkiller as my only hope of keeping him quiet is if he continued to be uncomfortable. That's sad, I know, but it's very true. So they sat down with me and taught me stretches to target different muscle groups, suggested I teach him to bow, give hugs, and pray, and that Epic and I set up an obstacle course where he could walk over objects (no jumping!) to stretch out those quads. After a couple days of two foot stretches, weaves, and deep cookie bends, Epic's limp is a bit less pronounced today.



Epic decided he had enough of laying around and napping today, so engaged his brothers in a round of zoomies. Obviously, I'd rather he didn't do any strenuous activity right now... but what can I do? Sitting in his crate 23 hours a day isn't going to help those muscles. The zooms were happening outside where it is relatively flat, with no couches to Superman off of. I let it go.



Brothers are just too fun.


Its been a weird week. Things are quite sad and odd without Sam here, but it's nice to see the boys out there enjoying their youth!


1 comment:

  1. Epic is so cute! I agree with you on the no painkillers thing. When we got Darwin spayed, and she was supposed to not run around for a week, when she was taking the pain killers she was a nut! Wanting to run and jump and do everything she wasntt supposed to. We finally stopped the pain killers and she slowed down a little.
